Thursday 2 February 2012

Desperate Housework

I have managed to swerve Rainbows again this afternoon.   I am a terrible mother.  But really all I had to do was ask Girl 1 if she wanted  to go to Rainsbows today whilst raising an eyebrow and she said no. Surely I should be making the child go?  But it is -9 degrees out there for gods sake and even the thought of herding Girl 2 to and from the library is no fun - she cried all the way to nursery this morning because she was cold (and she was fully attired in sweatshirt, coat, gloves, hat and scarf).  'I'm COLD Mummy', 'Well it IS cold' was the refrain.

It's ridiculous how much the weather affects our moods, well is has been so unseasonably  er seasonable recently!

I have spent the time where I haven't been child wrangling in the cold cleaning, YES cleaning my house (my mum won't believe this if she is reading it!). 

I am truly a terrible housewife, but I kind of give up sometimes as I feel like I am fighting against the tide in this house.  It isn't ALL my mess and yet it is all my mess to deal with - how is that fair?!  I always feel like I deserve at least a round of applause after I've mopped the kitchen floor. 
But these things have to be done as we have a tea party planned for the weekend for Girl 2's birthday and so there will be other mothers who have not been to my house potentially noting the tip and judging me. 
With my friends I know that they know what to expect.  I open the door to them inevitably muttering the words 'excuse the mess', but with the additional bodies, nursery mum's I don't really know/friends yet to be made and birthday photos to be taken and inevitably uploaded to Facebook I really should tidy up.

I am off to mop the floor, get ready with the applause.

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